a story taking place 13,000km away.

Monday, June 11, 2007


this city deserves so much more than a quick entry hours before our departure. it is new zealand's largest and most cosmopolitan city, with a population greater than that of the entire south island. for the "city of sails" lydia and i certainly breezed through. one thing that has struck us during our visit and is worth noting is the great relationship between kiwis and the maori - the latter's culture is celebrated, and they play an active role in the community. you have to look no farther than auckland as the largest polynesian city in the world to see this. the aussies could learn from new zealand. at least we are leaving new zealand in style - a hotel room in the new presidential hotel for a good nights sleep before our three flights. as always we have no reservations, so the no reservations tour continues.

final notes on new zealand:
geodemograporn - there are more adult stores, flight centres, mountains, lakes and rainbows here than anywhere else on the planet.
middle earth - there are no hobbits, orcs, dragons, dwarves or elves in new zealand anymore. they are now extinct, like unicorns.
religion - mostly of the all blacks denomination.
recreation - if you can jump off something high or roll down something steep these kiwis are developing and selling it to us. adrenaline is soon to be their major export.

off to the secret location. being a secret agent is such fun. i could tell you stories, but then i would have to kill you.

kia ora.


Blogger William Poutney said...

All the hobbits are in Ireland...or the landscape just makes it seem that way. Forty shades of green. We are off to visit Castlebar, County Mayo tomorrow. The McAlpine family roots.
Searched for the 'Big fella' (Michael Collins) Search successful. You have to come. We thought of you standing on his birthplace and the spot where he was ambushed and died. Visitng him coming and going.
Travel safe. Bonsai. Tora tora tora.


Mom and Da
In the green in the green...

10:52 AM


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