a story taking place 13,000km away.

Friday, June 01, 2007


we stopped in kaikoura on our way to the north island for a remarkable experience - a swim like no other. do to the lower sea temp (around 14 degrees) we needed 7mm wetsuits complete with hoods, boots, gloves and snorkle. then we caught a 25 minute boat ride out to sea to slip of the back like seals. the water was shockingly cold to your unprotected face. i saw a jellyfish and my first thought was that it was a piece of ice.

once in the water we all started diving down. at the surface we would all begin singing and calling out into the water through our snorkles. then we would dive again. i am sure it would have been a comic sight to any observer. but then they were all around us, appearing from the deeper waters without warning. quick, elusive, missles. dolphins! we had been taught how to attract their attention and play with them. sometimes there would be so many around you that you could not believe it to be real. ducking, circling you, coming between your legs. i circled with one for so long i became dizzy at the surface. what a feeling to dive down and be among them. sometimes they would disappear for a moment into the deep, and just when you thought they had all gone, one would brush past your face from behind and all of a sudden you would be surrounded again. twice i managed to reach out and stroke a dolphine that came near my face. we played with them for over 45 minutes. who knows which animal was more entertained with the encounter? again remarkable. back to the hostel for a hot shower for my blue body, and dinner with the brit boys - big bill, amos and oliver.

then on the bus the next morning. the road, again pointing north, reflecting in my hunter s. thompson aviators.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Swimming with a multitude of Flippers...what a rush. This sounds so amazing. What next? If you used a totem pole to carve your memories of this trip how would you ever decide what would be on top? It would reach into the sky and beyond.
Dinner with the three amigos and as Willie says "on the road again". North Miss Tessmacher...north.

Love to you both,

Mom & Dad P.

Soon to be looking over a four leaf clover.

8:41 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Neil - I have read your adventures. Outstanding! When you guys get back we should produce a movie. Lets get Johnny Depp to play you. We had a geat time in China but it pales somewhat to your "activities". Look forward to seeing you guys soon. Love to both - Cora & Bob

7:59 PM


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