a story taking place 13,000km away.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

rotorua v1.2

we got stuck in rotorua for an extra day due to the bus not running north on saturday. however, we spent the time to finalize our plans for the rest of our trip. this included waking up at 3am and 7am trying to get a hold of our travel agent in toronto. it is amazing how complicated and difficult it can be to to co-ordinate with 2 different travel agents, one bangkok airways representative, 3 time zones and 2 connecting flights. everything should be done.

whomever can guess our next "surprise" destination after hong kong will earn a prize (chance for those of you who read this but do not comment to get involved). rules are simple - one guess per person and lyd's family cannot guess as they know already. i'll be checking the comments like usual.

the other night we went to the polynesian spa in town and sat in the outdoor thermal pools overlooking lake rotorua. the lights, steam and heat were capital. it also helped, i hope, my shoulder which has hurt since my run in at the fox glacier.

all blacks game tonight. auckland tomorrow. hong kong on the 13th. like arsenal we're flying emirates.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm calling japan.

10:25 PM

Blogger William Poutney said...

Our guess is Taipei. Second guess Narita Airport, third guess Shanghai, fourth guess Viet Nam, fifth guess Laos, sixth guess...wait a minute I need an Atlas!
Trust you will sort it out.
Hello from County Cork.


Ma & Da P.

6:51 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I never win anything but I am guessing somewhere in India?
I hear they are hiring there.

What is the prize. If I find out it was a bottle of scotch I will be sorry I didn't try harder.

12:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, second guess, if allowed,Pitcairn Island?

8:40 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:52 AM

Blogger William Poutney said...

I guess Japan. Oh yeh..you called us and told us. Does that still count?

Dad P.

10:54 AM


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