a story taking place 13,000km away.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

st. kilda v1.0

we moved on to st.kilda looking for some beach and nightlife. there are no tourist sites. just the beach, great restaurants and tons of bars. once again we have taken up in a hostel above a bar called the pint on punt. can you tell i have a say in where we stay? here's to my aunt carol-louise for picking up the tab on my "pots" (1/2 pints) of coopers. aren't irish aunts so wicked?

38 freekin' degrees for three days straight. 38. in the shade. it is impossible not to get a tan here. even i have passed from powder to tan. lydia has never seen me so dark, and you can't help it. half the weather here comes from alice springs, and the other half comes from antartica. it should be obvious which we are getting now. in the shade i have finished reading both the butcher boy and abignale's autobiograpghy catch me if you can. the latter i would recommend to those who liked the film or con artist stories. the guy had some stones.

linguistics here are difficult. as patton once compared the us and the uk, canada and australia are also two countries seperated by a common language. sometimes i have no idea what the person i am talking to is saying. most of the time i nod along because it sounds so cool.

we spend our days near the beach or exploring the shops around luna park. i have to nap when the sun zonks me out, and lydia pokes around at shops on her own. we had our first swim in the ocean together. i felt fantastic, especially when you skin is so hot from the sun and the water is so cool. double the fun that no shark came along in the 4 feet of water we dunked ourselves into. anyone who doesn't believe in global warming has never been to australia. it makes thailand look like winnipeg.

at night we have dinner in the hostel bar for the $6 special, and then walk down to the beach and out onto the st. kilda pier. we spend time looking at the penguins and listening to the waves, and then we might go back up the main drag for a drink. the nights are so hot that sleep is difficult so i think about all i have seen and the people i miss back home.

the melbourne victory defeated adelaide united 6-0 in the soccer final here. i tried to get tickets but it has been sold out for ages. of course i have been a die hard victory fan for ages.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi guys,
i don't understand the global warming australia = winnipeg comment. please explain.

the 800 penguins emerging from the water sounded amazing! particularly funny too, when they would fall on their faces. Poor fatties.

i just remembered... i have a great friend named Cara. She's Canadian and has been living in Oz for 6 mos. now. She's there somewhere. I suggest you find her. She'll show you some good times.

Keep on Keeping on!
xo darce

11:17 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is intersting to note in following the blog that you seem to always gravitate to the pubs. Must be the earth's gravitational pull to Dublin or your love of all things Roman. Ale Caesar.

Don't forget your other side of your heritage and have fish and chips with your next ale. Rule

Love Mom & Dad P.

12:30 PM


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