a story taking place 13,000km away.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

hong kong v1.2

museum day. wednesdays are free museum days in hong kong so we take advantage and head first thing in the morning to the hong kong museum of art. we view the exhibits or galleries or whatever they are called, and then catch a practice session of the hong kong philharmonic orchestra doing tchaikovsky's serenade for strings.

after lunch we visited museum number two; the hong kong science museum (i know it sounds boring). almost all of the exhibits are interactive, so we had a good time playing with all of the knobs, buttons, cords, weights, etc. kudos to the electricity exhibit. however, the occupational health and safety exhibit gets a failing grade and may even be dangerous for kids that young to experience. not only does it remind them that they will have to work someday, but shows most jobs are condusive to terrible injuries.

dinner and then we do a rush visit to the hong kong space museum. it was small, but had some great "rides" where you could simulate walking on the moon and working in space. however, we got there too late to take part. lydia opted to spend the evening at the 3 1/2 hr cantonese charity opera in english being put on at the hong kong cultural center. i declined and decided to head out and take in some culture of my own. after watching the lightshow down at victoria harbour again (this time with my mp3 player blasting in my ears) i, somehow, found myself in an irish pub in the golden mile. as luck would have it there i was with my beckham jersey on and the england vs. spain soccer match on. i plunked myself down at the bar and took in my kind of culture. i hadn't been there long when i got talking with a guy next to me. it started with me handing him a menu or something. anyways sometimes that is all it takes in the world of solitary travel.

mick (michael) and i hit it off. he was in hong kong just for a little while on business as he sells dyes and chemicals to chinese clients on the mainland. he is also from england, and a soccer fan and cycling fan. we both like to drink! coincidence? i think not. conversation came easy and we both shared stories and talked hong kong, soccer, travel, family histories, you name it. the bottles and laughter flowed freely, and soon it was time to go and pick lyds up from the opera. all that was missing was a few games of faan-taan, and betting on who could cut a beer bottle in half in one swing with a machete. mick even offered to pick up my tab at the end of the evening, but i thought what would jack burton say about this so i declined. let it not be said that canadians cannot buy their own drinks. he also was nice enough to pass along an open invite to stay with him and his girlfriend in yorkshire if i ever wanted to see a premiership game.

a little shaky the next day, and i spent more at the bar than lyds did for her opera ticket, but what a night. another new friend who i may have never met. another new beer - skol. an irishman never is in need of company. all he needs is directions to the local bar and a beckham jersey. everyone knows your name by the end of the night.


Blogger William Poutney said...

The descriptions of the trips to the museums reminded me of when you were a little boy visitng the Ontario Science Center. You liked pulling and pushing everything that moved then and I guess you still do. In an Irish pub wearing a Beckham jersey had both of your ancestoral roots covered. Keep discovering new beers that we can try out at the cottage this summer. It just makes the trip to the other side of the world much more valuable.

Love Mom & Dad P.

10:44 AM


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