a story taking place 13,000km away.

Friday, July 27, 2007


trust me, it's paradise. this is where the hungry come to feed. for mine is a generation that circles the globe and searches for something we haven't tried before. so never refuse an invitation, never resist the unfamiliar, never fail to be polite and never outstay the welcome. just keep your mind open and suck in the experience. and if it hurts, you know what? it's probably worth it.
- richard

where there is a monkey there is a lizard. i hope richard and hunter would be proud. for the last seven months i have been on the other side of the world. my ceiling was your floor. these notes are my testament. the notebook my aunt peggy gave me is completely filled up. its pages are frayed and marked, a little like its owner. i have travelled by plane, train, boat, motorcycle, tuk-tuck, truck, camel, elephant. you name it. 17 flights alone. i have travelled to australia, burma, china, hong kong, japan, loas, new zealand, and thailand. i have survived cold showers and shaves, nights in airports and train stations, ants, bed bugs, cock roaches, mozzies, sharks and spiders.

and i've loved every minute of it. i've had a great travel companion. this world is a beautiful place, and its smaller than you think. see enough of it, and any place on a map can start to feel like home.

thanks for reading, thanks for the emails, and thanks to the people who travelled and blogged before me and inspired me. this trip has long been a dream for me, and now that it is over, i am lost as to what the next one will be. i'd like to think that on our same flight home maybe a guy from hong kong is just starting his trip in canada. maybe it's his dream. i'd like that.

last helicopter out of the embassy. yes, i have scars.

i'm spinning and you're spinning
the world's spinning and we're laughing
and i'm charming, the devil's charming
and we're ruined but we're still building
and i'm selling and you're counting
the world's stopping but we keep going
and we're ruthless and we're cunning
and i'm heir to it all
- matthew good


Anonymous Anonymous said...


This blog has been some of the most creative and inspiring commentary I've ever read.

Your brilliantly detailed descriptions and analogies made your travels through this great earth of ours, a vicarious experience that was worth every second of it.

The streets of Toronto will, I'm sure, feel quite foreign to you, but your friends and family will support you and ease you into the transition.

In any event, this blog was amazing..
Given the current zeitgeist, I suggest when you get home you put it all together into a book and see if there is any interest in it with a publisher.
I'm serious!
I've read some of your paragraphs aloud to work collegues and they say the same thing.

Anyway, all the best and I'm happy I could share in your experiences in a removed way.

Take Care, and look me up if you need some new underwear (which I'm sure you do after living out of a bag).


1:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Begin at the beginning and then begin again.

Life is just one continuous adventure. There is no beginning and there is no end. Someone ran the guantlet before and someone will pick it up after we leave. All we can do is leave our mark...with respect and earn the right to always come back.

What a ride. You made us feel that we were right there beside you. Every step of the way. To your great travel companion...you will always have Paris.

Back from the land of Oz.

Love to you both,

Mom & Dad P.

Over and out.

2:09 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Neil, did you pay Scott for those comments? Seriously, I do want to thank you for sharing your journey with all of us.It is really cheaper than traveling ourselves!

8:48 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's finished? you're home? great. me too. i live in burlington now, teaching spanish. lets meet up some time soon
xoxo darce

10:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you really finished?
I miss your travels honey. I miss the sudden silences and then the reapid fire report of all the neat stuff you were pursuing.
Hope you are coming to Marysville soon? Neil's potatoes on demand!
Aunt Carol

7:45 PM


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