a story taking place 13,000km away.

Friday, May 04, 2007

cairns v1.1

last night i watched in an irish bar man.u get destoryed by ac milan in the champions league semi-final. i am becoming a soccer fanatic, and reading fever pitch didn't help. i have now moved on to the first book in the emperor series called the gates of rome. go liverpool in the final.

at 32,000 feet now on a quantas flight. rainman better be right. lyds and i were very sad to leave cairns. as we took off we banked west with the ocean and reefs out the window to our right, and the tropical mountains and rainforest to our left. the good news is that lydia was randomly selected by airport security to be tested for detonator residue. she passed.

in cairns we leave the tropics, and i leave my beloved fsu hat.

dinner tonight was camel lasagna. i feel very bedouin.

hugs not drugs.


Blogger William Poutney said...

Sounds like a pair of Doc Martens under the tree for you lad.
K Mart sucks...Quantas never crash. Good mottos to follow.
Sorry to learn of your loss of your beloved FSU hat. Bollocks. Trust you gave it a proper send off. I will sign the guest book when you return.

Some where over Australia from Canada.

Love Mom and Dad P.

8:49 AM


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