a story taking place 13,000km away.

Saturday, January 13, 2007


simple math to travel to the other side of the world: 2 entourages to the airport; 1 emotional goodbye; 4 in-flight movies and meals; 2 hours of sleep; and 10 jet lag pills.

the flight was the best it could be - uneventful. the 10:30pm departure ensured that western canada was completely dark, but we could just make out the icefalls floating in the ocean off alaska . we caught up with the sun as we flew over taiwan. it was beautiful to see the sun finally peak over over the horizon with taipei below us, and helped us to reset our internal clocks. lyds slept for more of the flight, and managed to drug me with a gravol when she thought i needed sleep. our view of hong kong was was marred by a heavy fog on our approach and departure that did not allow a view of the city (just a glimpse of the massive hills), but provided an exciting landing into nothing. the hong kong airport is a massive and simple structure, and very efficient. lyds and i both felt very at home there - the airport is white and sterile and not at all asian. we did welcome the chance to stretch our legs as our connecting gate was a good 2o minute walk. for the hong kong to bangkok portion of our trip we lucked out with bulkhead seats and little miss sunshine.

we arrived in bangkok and negotiated customs with little help or signage. thanks to the generousity of the mcdonalds there was a driver and a black mercedes benz e to meet us for the 4o minute drive to the hotel. our driver, mr. amnant, spoke multiple languages and had fought in the vietnam war on the american side. he helped to orientate us with bangkok. the driving conditions here are crazy with little law except that by honking your horn you are absolved from any traffic rules. we weaved on the highway at 140km/hr into the city, and once in the city we sped through the narrow streets littered with j-walkers and strange vehicles. our "short-cut" might very well have been an experience going the wrong way on a one lane one way street, and left me smiling and Lyds white knuckled and motion sick.

we arrived at the royal orchid sheraton to receive exceptional service and a room upgrade (again a present from the mcdonalds). our room is on the 25th floor overlooks the choa phya river (the river of kings) and looks west over the city. after converting travelers cheques we took a walk to explore a little of the chinatown neighborhood and purchase a phone card. unfortunately, my bank card is not working and has caused me some stress. after returning to the room for a shower and a "nap," we were bolted out of bed at 10pm by the sound of nearby explosions across the choa phya. fearing more terrorist activity or artillery strikes we opened the curtains, but were surprised with a five minute fireworks show over the river celebrating national childrens day.

overnight 13 hour train ride to chiang mai scheduled for tonight as we leave bangkok and let it cool down before our return. there has been little news from the seperatist movement, and the papers are full of increased security in the wake of new threats.

my tour of duty has begun.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh so exciting!!
I was in Bangkok not so long ago, but your message brought back some great memories. The honking horns and j-walkers alike brought a smile to my face.
It snowed today in Toronto.
xo darce

7:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

A car weaving in and out of traffic at 140km does not instill peace of mind to Dads and Moms waiting for news back in Canada. It does however sound like you guys are off to a great start for many adventures that are still ahead of you both.

Mom and Dad P.

7:23 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We were happy to hear from you. The journey is now under way. Enjoy and stay smart. Bob&Cora

8:09 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweet sweet gravol . . .

2:47 PM


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